Survive Toxic Air Like a Movie Star: Solve Indoor Air Pollution Naturally

Two points straight away. I’m not trying to be glib about this-indoor air pollution and two I know, I know this is about plants?!  Yes I already knew like you do that they “purify” the air.  But I felt compelled to write this post because according to this man- Kamal Meattle, the degree to which they work is astounding. He makes the claim-that in a locked room or space-with the right amount of plants one is creating enough oxygen for a human to thrive, w/o access to outside air. That blew my mind, and I wanted to share it with you, purchase [amazon_link id=”0140262431″ target=”_blank” ]How to Grow Fresh Air[/amazon_link]  for full info.  It’s written by B.C. Wolverton, one of the NASA scientists who conducted the studies.  I lived  in NYC during the  9/11 attacks.  The title of post came,  as I remembered reading that after 9/11 the actress Gwyneth Paltrow got out of NYC on a private plane (I would’ve too if I had the cash.) This is a TED Talk, check them out for really interesting videos from luminaries in technology, arts, design etc.

Hydroculture Houseplants

@Flickr by GreenScaper,

Now if you read me fairly regularly you know I am not an alarmist or paranoid-see “We Are All Brothers….” post and my own “Joy of Life Manifesto;”  things are going downhill and yes we as humans don’t seem to have the will to change ourselves fast enough.  So things will worsen-but I truly believe there are natural cosmic and karmic cycles and some will survive, and I know that it will depend on spiritual “fitness” not how much you hoard. Notice how everything seems to be polarizing and anger and fear across the board, across the world.  If we can stay heart centered, calm, trusting in a higher energy vibration we have a chance of being part of the transformation that is happening.

On a smaller than world ending scale perhaps some incident creates a toxic/polluted cloud for several days in your town.  With this knowledge and taking action now, perhaps someone can survive that situation.

Or on the everyday level of better quality of life. I love plants-I feel there aliveness and energy pretty acutely and so having them around is truly “natural” for me.  I think it’s not just about solving indoor air pollution. It’s part of the healing of the planet (why is our indoor air polluted in the first place?)  All of our fore-bearers lived in much closer relationship with plants. They did not spend as much time inside-and were not surrounded by electromagnetic waves from their 5 appliances (and that’s just one room) for hours every day.  So I truly hope this is helpful, pass it on.  And the video is like 6 min. long.  Worth you time.  [amazon_link id=”0140262431″ target=”_blank” ]How to Grow Fresh Air[/amazon_link]



Helpful links: (I will update over time)– He bills himself as a “Promoter and supporter of plants in urban buildings whether for foliage, flowers or food.” The image is from his Flickr page, where he documents “modern methods” of growing indoor plants for those who lack a green thumb.

[amazon_link id=”0140262431″ target=”_blank” ]How to Grow Fresh Air[/amazon_link]

8 Responses to “Survive Toxic Air Like a Movie Star: Solve Indoor Air Pollution Naturally

  • I also enjoy many of the TED Talks. So many products we use hardly give a thought to “design” (the “D” in TED). And they also have a lot of thought-provoking presentations like this one. Most of us DO work where SBS (Sick Building Syndrome) is very common due to the artificiality of most of the materials is the culprit.

    It is especially bad at this time of the year in northern climates (and really horrible this year since the snow seems like it has never stopped) so having these plants around certainly can’t hurt and the increased humidity will be nice too! – KK

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Well I really believe in taking action when we get new information, as we all know our products are outgassing. I actually want to install a small plant in my car! But i dont’ see anyone doing that I dont’ know why-the car is an portable environment…

  • Thank you for recommending this video. I enjoyed what you said about “If we can stay heart centered, calm, trusting in a higher energy vibration we have a chance of being part of the transformation that is happening.” Most certainly, agreed! I also try to surround myself with lots of greenery. There are huge trees just outside my window and I take frequent walks in a nearby park.

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Yeah Evelyn I actually went our and bought 1 large plant a Dracenia (?) and two smaller ones. I have a green thumb so hopefully will be able to transplant and divide the the two smaller plants to have four. Yeah the post isn’t meant to be like alarmist/survivalist really but just BEST lifestyle we can have day to day.

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      I love your blog Evelyn especially the postive attitude, which is so important if not the key to manifesting abundance!

  • Hi Kala,

    Gee, so many things in this post that I resonate with! I was going to quote the same words that Evelyn did, above, but she beat me to it. 😉 Still I agree we all can play an important role in this transformation you speak of.

    I, too, love the natural world. Animals, plants, rocks, mountains… you name it. I actually am blessed to live in a remote, natural area with oodles of fresh air, but this article is still pretty interesting!

    Nice to meet you!

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      yeah the energy is so different when one is out of cities or suburbs even, going into wilder/semi-wild land it’s amazing the shift in energy.

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