To Overcome Fear: Realize We Are All Brothers & Sisters on this Planet

I’m having trouble getting video to show consistently here on site, so here is it’s link on YouTube:

Little Grandmothers Message For 2011

Video is 25 min.long.  If you prefer to read the article link For Love of Mother Earth conveys the

same message, and you can see excerpt below first if you like.

Since i believe in resonance or synchronicity just like me you may have been having some difficulty lately.   Many “spiritual” people are finding themselves in a crisis. This transformation (put it in positive light) may play out as a disintegration of the stability they had-work, relationships or money all shifting. There is a lot of fear and a lot of anger on the planet at this moment in time.  It helps if we can pull back, and see this without succumbing to those energies.

This is an excerpt below from a writing for a conference- Prophets Conference in Palm Springs (they are held all over the world.)  And this woman Kiesha Crowther is one of the presenters.  I know nothing about her really.  I dont’ know if she was blessed to teach by anyone Native American, (some online are in tizzy about her creds.)  I think the message and the need to get that message out-the message is so important and transcends race, and borders.  AND most importantly for me,  her words resonated fully with what I’ve been intuiting recently.  And Spirit seems to want me to share this. I’ve also included a video that I found comforting;  again because as a long time yogini and meditator, I’ve been feeling these shifts happening too.

For me I went from being very comfortable in the city and then over the last few years felt very drawn to go out to be nearer to nature.  Central park in NYC was just not enough.  I moved but still into a small city and felt drawn to move still closer to natural world.  I also have felt Intuitions that have led me to also feel that the Earth is totally a living being and is calling for us to spiritually honor, remember and care for her.  So that’s whay I putting K.C. words here. 

For Love of Mother Earth:(for full article)

The Great Shifting

by Kiesha Crowther “Little Grandmother”

WE ARE ALL LIVING at a very profound time on our planet. Mother Earth is going through a shift she has never gone through quite like this before. We are living on the planet in a time that has never been before. The planet is going to start shifting and changing and moving into her High Self. She will change into her own kind of heaven. This is the time of great change that all indigenous peoples have been speaking about for hundreds and hundreds of years, and since the great fall of Atlantis, a very real civilization that existed here. A great shift happened then, when the poles shifted. Long before that shift they had been a highly developed and beautiful people—They knew how to use and utilize the energies of crystals, water, sound, of light and color. They knew how to listen to Mother Earth, and how to work side by side with our brothers and sisters from different places in the universe, the star beings. They interacted with them side by side…

2 Responses to “To Overcome Fear: Realize We Are All Brothers & Sisters on this Planet

  • Hi Kala,
    I feel we have created the current destructive downward spiral of the our beautiful home because our civilization has chosen to ignore their heart centered wisdom and focus solely on the ego and material world. We are now facing that do or die moment and that’s why we’re all experiencing such difficulties. ‘When the majority stops resisting the change and we accept that we can survive and a new type of society and commerce can sustain us the pain will stop and our Earth will also begin to revive.

    I saw Little Grandmother’s video a few months ago and was really touched by them.

    Thank you so much for expressing this important message that so many need to hear.

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Thanks for your thoughtful comment Angela, it’s so important. We all live here, no matter what our ethnicity, location, rich or poor. Sadly the poorest may be affect first and worst but we all are feeling the effects of the earth heaving itself, trying to right itself. I think humanity can shift, it may take only a small amount of us to begin.