Did I Drink the Raw Kool-Aid? A Raw Living Breakfast Cereal Recipe

Kala's Krunch before "milk," it's prettier

Update 3/14: at least 73 folks have viewed this post! Only 3 votes, geesh.  See below vote “What do you eat?” Wanted to add as commenter suggested “mindful omnivore” to poll choices. And say that my diet was and is that of mindful omnivore.

A quick post- with a great delicious raw recipe for you.  Perhaps I drank the raw Kool-Aid.  What I mean is its a huge thing right now, Raw Living Foods, many voices, from movie stars, holistic health experts, MD’s even– saying hey get more raw food into your diet.  From fierce advocates for eating %100 percent raw no matter what! Yeah right.  To those like myself who are finding benefit in adding more plants based foods into our diets.  I have a dear friend-who is gifted intuitive, Angelic Reiki master and raw/living food champion.  And she got me started on this.  Now even she is like ” you’ve gone too far…” not really but she thinks this raw “cereal” I made up is weird because it’s a root vegetable at breakfast.  But I love it. Why?  CRUNCH.  One word.  It reminds me of breakfast cereal in texture and even in the mild to sweet taste.  Try it, let me know if you like it.

KALA’S KRUNCH RAW Breakfast Cereal

Oh you should know I can’t follow a recipe, or refold maps! Seriously they go together and I have a bit of dyslexia combined with an anarchic creative urge. So this is all follow your gut recipe:

1 serving, make enough for your belly, use the best ingredients you can afford-the taste is better and the nutrition higher.

  • Carrots- that’s the base of the cereal, shredded, this is so much better than those boring carrot raisin salads we’ve all had.
  • Fresh Coconut-shredded (if dried soak it overnight) Really yummy fresh! Good oils
  • Pears-chopped, really ripe add a subtle sweetness and moisture, vitamins
  • Walnuts (or any nut)-soaked overnight, still adds a nice crunch, oils, vitamins
  • Dates– 2 or 3 medjool is best (they are softer.)  soaked for 5 min, sweetness. Chopped.  Ayurveda says they build the body up.  They class dates as a tonic food, nourishing our Ojas.  Ojas is like your juice-providing your energy, joy of life and stamina. You want to have lots of Ojas!

Optional: flax seeds ground, sunflower or any other seed, honey

Serve with some “milk” I use a almond milk. Made by adding 1/2-1 tsp. almond butter warm water in a blender.  Pour over “cereal.”  FABULOUS! And filling it’s got oils and protein otherwise it would not hold me-I find it last much longer than oatmeal which two hours later I’m starving.

As a yogini and meditator what I’m noticing with eating raw food  (as my friend promised)-there is a boost of energy.  It’s subtle, not like a caffeine energy but feeling of energy moving in the body.  Prana!  Thats what the yogi’s call it, or Chi/Ki in China and Japan.

[amazon_link id=”089281490X” target=”_blank” ]Ayurveda: A Life of Balance: The Complete Guide to Ayurvedic Nutrition & Body Types with Recipes[/amazon_link] I’ll end with the caveat-I’m not advocating %100 raw.  See [amazon_link id=”1556437315″ target=”_blank” ]David Wolfe[/amazon_link], raw food guru who will turn you on to chocolate.  Some see eating %100 raw as some kind of holy grail to be pursued.  There are a variety of reasons I don’t currently feel that way and which I may take up later in another post.  Food nourishes the body and then the mind, thought processes are created out of that and then the subtle body is nourished.  Share your thoughts on food.  What have you tried and with what results? Also do you want more posts on my raw food experiments, I couldn’t get that in the poll-a yes or no…it’s new tech to me;-)[amazon_link id=”1556437765″ target=”_blank” ]Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future[/amazon_link]

Bon appetit!

[poll id=”1″]

8 Responses to “Did I Drink the Raw Kool-Aid? A Raw Living Breakfast Cereal Recipe

  • Nice one Viv!
    I love my almond milk, it’s easier than you think. though your almond butter approach sounds like it goes great with the carrots et al.
    Almond milk: (soak them overnight) Blend 1c almonds to 1 liter water….then strain… you can find the soft straining bags at Whole foods or on the internet..easy peasy and it lasts for a week… though you will likely go thru it faster??
    Making a smoothie? just throw the almonds in the blender with water..or try cashews.. YUM! They disappear into the smoothie “like buttah baby”.

    I cringe at most labels…when asked what diet I’m eating my goto answer is:
    “I’m a raw food vegan who eats meat.”

    I’m really nothing of the like, tho I loves me a good spiritual hunter from the Rockies…Nothing like Elk meat..

    I adhere mostly to Michael Pollan’s idea of three rules to eating:

    1. Eat food.
    2. Not too much.
    3.Mostly plants.

    Lots of fruit and salads, especially in this warm weather (I’m in Florida!) and then nuts.. mostly almonds and cashews..a smoothie for breaky..almond milk and some greens and a little fruit..some fruit for a snack (lately it;s been an apple and almond butter) a salad for lunch ( I throw some protein or an avocado in there)..and I cook us dinner..it usually has another salad though.

    My Man’s been teaching me about portions.. not by lecture but by watching him..
    Me, I’ll eat till it’s gone! I mean I run for cake right?? heh.

    But he will eat till he no longer has hunger, not till it’s gone or he’s stuffed..
    Me, I just LOVE food..and now I’m learning to love it while I’m listening to my body.

    Oh and I change my diet depending on SO many factors, but a lot has to do with the seasons and where I’m living. In Florida, we have access to a lot of fish, so it’s a major source of protein right now. IN the rockies it was (you guessed it) Elk meat from friends..and in that cooler climate, eating more red meat felt more appropriate..where as here, it’s lighter fare…

    Of course being near the beach means less clothing, which is a nice reminder to watch my portions as well…and I’m SO much more active down here.. no more layers and layers of clothing “Do i really wanna go out there??”

    Happy eating Viv!

    Tara (Ms. T)

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      I love MIchael Pollan too, I’ve only read one book but he was so sensible. And the 3 phrases are so easy to remember. I’ve gotta get the “Nut milk” bags to do it from fresh almonds-but the almond butter is faster thought probably a bit less nutritious???

  • That actually sounds like a tasty snack during the day. For me, I’ve found my body needs a bit more protein in the AM otherwise I have little energy and eat anything I can find an hour or two after eating breakfast. Understanding what works best with your own body, eating a variety of foods (in my case mostly home or locally grown) and being able to take the time to prepare quality”slow food” meals seem to me to be important factors in determining what we should eat.

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Totally, fresh and variety are so important-even if not organic at least “officially.” That has become a label to imprison some small farmers in a web of paperwork and cash, and that’s a shame.

  • You’ve changed your blog color again! I like it!

    Anyway… this recipe sounds better now that I’ve read about it 😉

    I have a deep appreciation for the qualities that raw foods and consciousness expanding superfoods- especially foods rich in ORMUS… like blue green algae, gojis, cacao and marine phytoplankton- bring into your life, mind, and body, having been a nearly 100% raw foodist for 3 plus years… and now I also have an appreciation for the gentle energy that mindfully, alchemically cooked vegetarian foods provide. What changed my diet? Pregnancy! I love foods that nourish my body and connect me to Spirit, keeping the nadis in an open-flow!

    Thank you for sharing, Kala! I’m sure we’ll be hearing much more about your excellent raw creations and experiments 😉

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Oh glad you no longer think my carrot brkfast is weird! I’m gonna get some cacao nibs next me thinks’! Yeah this brkfast holds me for like 4 hrs, then I’m hungry again but that’s not bad, I think if I put more nuts and oil, it would last a bit longer. But it provides that energy that I mentioned different than eggs, I think it will depend on the day.

  • Might I suggest adding “healthy, mindful omnivore” to your poll? Not all of us who eat meat are eating the SAD diet (which is synomymous with unhealthy crap, basically)

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Sarah you are right and funny is that that is the category for me too so I added it.