Work/life/environmental balance

Posted tonight in my other blog: I thought it also made sense here.

This yoga blog is a “newborn

What does that mean? Well like a newborn, it’s keeping up late at night, I”m obsessed with it and it requires huge amounts of work and attention. So much in fact that I’m getting injured from being at the keyboard for too many hours to tell you about! After all I am a yoga teacher and today as I noticed the odd weather, thoughts about balance began to form. The weather has been odd, normal heavy snow then days of very balmy weather-which of course created a muddy mess. CNN says much flooding in parts of the US. So…
the planet is out of balance. It’s clear to me, it’s no longer theoretical.

So as healers and caring, sensitive human beings-how shall we live? I need to explore my own inner balance-not pushing too hard with creative work projects. Taking time to have fun, talk to and hang out with friends…get outside! So perhaps as enough of us really strive (that is not the right word) to be in harmony within ourselves that will affect the environment on a local and beyond local level. “Strive” that is interesting that that is the word I chose. Upon re-reading this post I realized that that striving can be part of the problem… So back on to the main point, this is really speaking in the realm of energy, right brained stuff! Our energy affects all who we come in contact with; and more esoteric level I believe, affects all beings…So, namaste (The Divine within me honors the Divine within you is one translation)

One Response to “Work/life/environmental balance

  • Rev. Karl
    15 years ago

    You wrote, “the planet is out of balance. It’s clear to me, it’s no longer theoretical.”

    I agree, and we all must use our talents, gifts, and skills, to address this situation.

    I look forward to reading your thoughts and ideas.

    Best wishes!
