Quietude Meditation for Stress

This busy time before the holidays, running from place to place, appointment to work, to pick up the kids-running always on the move; we might begin to feel frazzled.
Take even 10 minutes a day to find a place of piece of quietude. It’s important-you will go back to your day-energized but calm. That feeling of calm will emanate to those you interact with and affect them as well. So taking 10-20 minutes is not selfish, as some in our culture would label it.
How to take a Quietude Break:

  • Find a place that is quiet, with fairly low light if possible. Where you will not be disturbed.
  • Set a quiet timer for 10 min. or more if you have time (but start with 10 as it’s a relatively short time.) If alarm is loud place it under a pillow or cushion to soften the sound.
  • Sit upright but comfortable feet flat on the floor and hands relaxed in your lap.
  • Close your eyes, or half close them. This is to turn the attention inward and provide a moment of rest for the senses.
  • Take 5 deep breaths, conscious of the inhale….and conscious of the exhale….
  • Then let go of any doing, any thoughts that occur just let them go without adding onto them.
  • Stay with this awareness of the breath-focus on the sensation of the air at the nostrils
  • Notice the temperature of the air on the inhale.
  • Notice the temperature of the air on the exhale. Are they different? Simply notice.
  • After the sound of the gentle alarm, open the eyes, stretch the body, taking a deep breath. And carry on with your day!

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