Living in the Heart a Talk by Drunvalo Melchizedek

Why Living in the Heart?

I apologize the color on this is odd, his lighting is awful.  But Drunvalo Melchizedeks‘ ideas on planetary transition are interesting, maybe a bit odd, or weird if it’s new to you.  It’s only 13 min. so check it out. Listening to it might help with stress and anxiety as you notice the changes happening inwardly and especially outwardly.  I feel like he puts things into perspective in a way you won’t see on the nightly news.

Even a few minutes into his talk it’s very Matrixy… like the movie Matrix.  If you remember when you first saw that movie;  especially like me if you saw it before all the derivative sci-fi movie’s came out, ie. when it was first released.  The concepts about reality where really stunning at the time, especially if you weren’t reading that stuff-mystical or even popular takes on physics.  Now I think we’ve already gotten used to much of it.   So some of what he’s saying could creep you out-but only if you are coming from a fear place.  I invite you to listen with an open mind, not refuting or worrying as you listen.  Stay grounded with  your breath and body sensations.

Share your thoughts in comments, I’d love to hear it!

Namaste. Kala.

5 Responses to “Living in the Heart a Talk by Drunvalo Melchizedek

  • Fascinating! I am a HUGE fan of Drunvalo’s work and had not seen this video yet. It was exactly what I needed to hear today, actually and I thank you for this post!

    I would like to learn more about the ‘false emotional body’ he talks about since it was my understanding that emotions are one of the things that connects us to our higher knowing…

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      I’ve really gotten to like Drunvalo too. His thoughts are so wide ranging it’s sometimes hard to keep up with him though. Thanks for your comment.

  • What a sweet video!
    Looking out at the world from the Heart Eye…

    I love that reference to the connection a Mother has with her baby, as they first suckle… looking at the Baby form the heart. I SO look forward to that day.

    • Kalavati V. Williams
      13 years ago

      Yeah that was sweet moment, I could see that at that moment a new mother would feel so so connected to her newborn, that it’s an extension of herself, and thus a heart connection. Of course I then had the funny thought wait till he/she hits the terrible two’s, that’s the challenge!

  • This is the first time I am hearing of Drunvalo. After watching the clip, I was left scratching my head as to what it really means to live from the heart. He seems to assume that people know what he is talking about. I would have liked to hear some more examples or explanation that would make things clearer.