Are You Kvetching (Complaining) Your Good Away!

I love this quote from the Abundant Yogi’s site, that’s Chris Ward and she is a speaker, Lifestyle Design Coach, online-entrepreneur, yoga teacher and dancer/choreographer.  Check out her blog she has some great videos and programs on creating our dreams.  The quote is from her ” The 1/11/11 Countdown, And Sweet Relief From The Typical New Years Resolutions” blog post:

Dog holding leash in it's mouth

Let's Go For a Walk, You'll Feel Better-Woof! Image by Aussiegall

“Find all the things in your life you have to be grateful for NOW… because what you appreciate, appreciates.”

I’ve adopted this rule, the 80/20 rule for this new year.  That means only 20% of the time complaining, kvetching the other 80% of the time focus on the solution. I have mentioned this in other posts where I call it the “don’t watch the train bearing down on you, instead of getting off the track syndrome.”

If are really honest, which I”m trying to be with myself as I’m in the process of developing the Yoga Of Manifestation strategies for my own life.  You will admit that you and if you look around the other folks who spend most of their time complaining are…. WAIT FOR IT– NOT HAPPY! So maybe they are not happy because they complain all the time, rather than because their life sucks!  This became clear to me as not just some new agey wishy washy saying, I saw it in action.  A friend (isn’t it always easier to see in another) spent what could have been a lovely time, complaining about a person in his life– extensively complaining.  The next time I saw them, again back to the same negative comments on same issue.  I asked them “are there things you like about X?”  They ran off a list in quick succession with none of the emotional charge of the negative complaints.  From this as I contemplated, I saw a real inability to acknowledge the good in life and  in people. Yet I knew like all beings they really deep down want things to be better in their life.  I do the same thing. Many people around me do the same thing.  We focus our minds, our mental power, our most beautiful possession, we use it to repeatedly push garbage around with our bare hands… and we seem to say “Hmmm yum, more garbage!” Instead lets focus our minds on “what we appreciate, so it can appreciate.”

Adopt the 80/20 rule for this new year.   Twenty percent of the time, complain, and vent your feelings whether in writing or to a friend or counselor, it’s ok.  But then stop.  Focus your beautiful mind on “What is the solution?”  Try:

  • Read books about the issue
  • Talk to a friend or therapist
  • Meditate
  • Ask for a solution from your dreams before  you go to sleep, notice insights you wake up with


One Response to “Are You Kvetching (Complaining) Your Good Away!

  • Kala, I like the 80/20 rule… Brilliant! 🙂 It is a spiritual truth that within every problem, there is a seed of the solution (or… ‘the expansion’…). Some solutions are easier for us to focus on than others, such as those that evoke the strongest emotions from us based on our past. I think noticing what you talk about most is a good place to begin becoming aware of the thousands of thoughts that you think each and every day! Also, anything that strengthens the frontal lobe in your brain, like yoga and meditation, will strengthen your ability to change any pattern- be it speech, thought, or behavior. Otherwise, we’re just running on programs, action-reaction, etc.!