What’s Your Fairy Tale? Can a Royal Wedding Spur Clarity?

3 Steps to Clarifying Your Dreams

Well it’s finally happened!  Prince William has finally proposed “officially” to his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton.  There will finally be another Royal Wedding.  I confess I am old enough to remember the beauty, pomp and giddiness that his mother– Princess Diana’s wedding caused worldwide.  I think I watched huddled around the TV, with my family in our little apartment in the Bronx.  It was a luscious distraction, from the boredom of our daily lives.   I remember the excitement and a dress with a train so huge, I can still see the aerial shot of it occupying a mile of aisle behind her.  Let’s not get into how the fairy tale ended.  I wish Prince Williams and his bride-to-be the best.
Vogue August 1981
So What’s Your Fairy Tale? Can seeing a “fairy tale” play out before our eyes stimulate us to wonder-well gee “What’s my fantasy?” It did for me (perhaps you can relate)– I am a mix of totally low brow interests blended with a love of fine art, meditation, deep concern about global problems & Buddhism.  I’m pretty sure that a lot of women (even those up there in age) watching the Kate & Williams’ royal love story, have a feeling even if slight– of envy.  The prince, the wealth, the great love, the fame.   Somewhere in there I’m sure one of those four appeal.  I myself am not enamored of fame (for myself,) it seems extremely tedious, and a joy kill.  Perhaps the castles aren’t your thing, but you’d love to be on the cover of People (several times.)   And who doesn’t dream of meeting their “prince.”

Can we take that envy and use it-as it’s truly human nature to want to be happy.  In Buddhism that is considered a basic awareness to keep in mind, that all beings seek happiness.” It’s important to remember it with those who are acting in ways we find repulsive, or stupid.  In their mind/heart is still a desire “to be happy.”  They may not know how to create it.  Hopefully we are able to generate compassion by keeping this awareness in mind.

Eltz Castle
What do we want? Perhaps this public fairly tale can help us see what we don’t want and refine our own goals and dreams.  You don’t really want to walk/run a line of paparazzi to get to your car do you? Me neither!

  1. What’s you prince like? What does he do for a living?  How does he spend his time?  What are his personality qualities?   Do you want kindness above loyalty for example.  Those two could be at odds.  I’ve had a situation where a friend acted in a way that was kind to a stranger but left me wondering if he had any loyalty-as I was put in an unpleasant situation as a result.  Get clear.  I’ve had a lot of women tell me that when they got really clear on what they were looking for in a man-he appeared.
  2. Where do you want to live?  Not necessarily a specific town. I don’t recommend that. You think of these gorgeous royal country homes?  But do you really want to live in a 400 year old stone house?   There may be several places in your country or the world where you could be happy.  Do you want to be close to the beach,  and year round warmth?  Is it important to be near local farms and a small close knit community of like minded people?   Do you have young children and want to raise them in a certain way and want that support from a community?
  3. Finally-I am writing as if you are a single individual but a couple can do this too.   Who do you want to be? See the lifestyle you want. And as I’m committed to folks reinventing themselves- what type of work do you love to do? Again I would not start with a specific salary or exact job that you just know is perfect.  Trust the Universe. Tell it the stuff around what you want, let it figure out the details.   I know with the poor economy worldwide as I write this-asking “what do you love to do?” may seem naive.  It may be.  But I feel as I’ve said before the current collapse is part of a energetic shift for each human to be doing work that gives them joy and provides service. If you are a corporate accountant and hate it, allow yourself to day dream– this is your fairy tale after all.   Don’t be literal, do you really want to own a little shop that sells fishing and camping gear out West?  Allow yourself to dream.  I really believe as we start to hone in, we begin to attract what we need and want into our lives.

What we keep our minds on will manifest.  I’ve seen it happen in good ways and in the negative too in my life.  Be clear.   Be mindful.

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