Time for a Cleanse of Body, Mind & Spirit #2

Mind cleanse:

I’m am an affiliate with Brainsync as I like and use the variety of high quality audio and brain wave products they produce. Most are subliminal and work with various brain states to achieve change.

See if you can go 1 day without saying anything negative!  I know. I know.

It’s perhaps impossible, but worth the attempt as it most likely have the effect of making you aware of what you are thinking and saying.  And of course our thoughts create our speech and then that affects how others see and interact with us as result.  That leads to certain life experiences.  We cannot control others behavior, but being more positive will certainly attract and create a healthier, calmer environment for us to live in.

Choose a particular category of negativity perhaps:

  • Judging Oneself

  • Judging Others

  • Complaining in general, or choose a specific area, topic,  to NOT complain about, ie. work! for example

So if someone asks you how work is going, STOP,  instead of launching into a long sob story….perhaps something like, “it’s going pretty well,” or “I’m learning a lot right now.”  Both are more positive, and don’t cast you as a victim and are honest.

At end of day notice and perhaps journal, where did you have a hard time? Was it when talking with certain people?  Was it difficult to not be negative in certain environments?  Perhaps think more about how you can react differently next time-to preserve you mood and good feelings.  We truly do see what we expect to see (what we focus on grows.) Do you want to continue the mind cleanse for 3 days perhaps???

Be well, Kala.

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