Superfoods to Deal with Low Dose Radiation

Been away for awhile- reinvention/evolution going on,  I’m very excited about it!  If I can share the process of life composting-and then growing fresh new life I will.  In the meantime.  My heart continues to be with those in Japan and Mother Earth and the suffering of various levels we are all processing.  This post contains a couple of resources for you on dealing with negative effects of radiation. Check out this guy Jason Wrobel,  he is always humorous-but very good heart, he’s usually funny but guess he’s stressed here too.  His website is he’s a hyperkinetic raw food chef (I’ve been incorporating more raw foods to detox lately;  last link takes you to my yummy simple breakfast cereal recipe.) He works with a lot of Hollywood stars on their diets.

Anyhoo…here’s 4 min video by Jason, on foods to get your hands on to help your body deal with radiation (also just plain old good for yah;)  here on the east coast of U.S. radiation has been found in the water.  Also here is a health site by Mike Adams  (his transformation journey to health) who says:

The only thing that stands between a person and their own perfect health is information. Empowered with the right information, anyone can improve their health, reduce their dependence on prescription drugs, enhance their quality of life and expand their mental awareness and creativity.

He has turned around his own life and health, as I remember and  is really committed and independent of big corp/big pharm.  That site links to his Natural News newsletter that has tons of helpful health info you can use in your life.  This recent emphasis on food and health is important.  How can we accomplish our dreams if we are dragged down by low energy and even illness.  Of course some have been able to use the manifestation of illness as a spur to live an even more engaged life.

Be well, check out my upcoming posts on:  slowing down to accomplish more and an exploration of my  process of reinvention.  Namaste, Kala.

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