Migraines: Part 1

After seeing your physician and ruling out other pathologies, shiatsu may be able to help.  Certainly in terms of reducing feelings of stress and anxiety massage including shiatsu has been proven experientaly and scientifically to be effective.  And it feels good!
Shiatsu developed over thousands of years in China and then Japan.   In traditional Chinese Medicine theory there can be a variety of causes for any complaint.  As a skilled practitioner, I first check to see what are your specific energetic imbalances and then chart out a course of treatment.   The liver meridian (energy channel) is often part of the imbalance, it governs and smoothes energy flow throughout the body.  Things that can disturb the liver energy are rich spicy food, stimulant drugs and of course- alcohol.  The beauty of this system is it also has correlated emotions to specific energetic imbalances-in this case intense upset/anger.  Busy, driven individuals under stress are more likely to suffer migraines, of course “busy” to one person is nothing to another.  A mom with small children at home is “busy” as much as a business executive in the corporate world. Some symptoms of this Liver Fire rising are irritability, red eyes, insomnia, indigestion.   There is always a energy meridian that is low in energy as well (more in next article.)
Each person is born with a certain level of constitutional strength and inherent weak areas.   Things like your support system, the actual weather and even times of year can have an impact.  For some women migraines coincide with particular days of their cycle.   Each person is unique and all these factors are ever in flux.   It’s very important to understand that shiatsu looks at the whole person and so lifestyle changes may be needed to support the outcome you desire-no more migraines!
For FAQ about shiatsu click here.

Take rest;  a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  Ovid
Kalavati (Viv Williams,LMT)  send e-mail
Shiatsu massage/yoga/transition mentoring

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