How Kundalini Yoga, Chakras and Intuition are Fueling my Writing: “Zen of Crisis”

I’ve been in research mode, the type of internal research that artists thrive on. My mind and feelings are gathering, compiling and reacting to stimuli from a huge variety of places-like a baby!  Ughh?  See this article at Huff Post on how babies have “superbrains!” and how they can teach us to be happy & learn;  and how it relates to the brain of a meditator.  My pattern as a Creative is like inhale exhale, a taking in-where nothing outward seems to be happening.  At that stage nothing is getting “produced,” out in the world, but a lot is going on internally.  Then I move into a period of intense outward  creativity that feels like I’m in a Flow state.  It feels easy to create, ideas tumble out and there is lots of energy.  And then that ends.  It’s like an “ahhhh…” a relaxation after intense focus.  Usually a dormant period happens, where truly not much is happening.  It’s a rest…then a trigger to creativity happens and the cycle starts again.

Some of these wild stimuli to creativity include:

  • Kundalini yoga! Whoa, been doing and teaching yoga for over 15 years.  And finally investigated KY, which is like the step sister of “regular” yoga. And it rocks. Check out Gururattana, for online  KY classes you stream.  Why I like it? Each set in Kundalini yoga has a specific focus and activates energy very specifically-and it works. I can feel the difference and the effects in my life, in a short time.  There are sets of kriyas for prosperity and other very targeted benefits.
  • Intuitive readings: have been getting richer and more specific in terms of helping me to grow on many levels.  I do them daily.  I think this accuracy is in part result of my KY practice, which one of my aims is to continue to open up my intuitive faculties.  Book a reading I think you would find it helpful.  Send me an email to yoginikalavati (at) gmail (dot) com.
  • Chakras: getting deeper understanding of the chakras after this many years of yoga and meditation practice.  Making new connections between energy flows and the flow of ones life, especially re: prosperity and ability to manifest.  I’m really seeing were lack of energy in body/chakra leads to particular expression in daily life.

All of this is informing the book which I anticipate will take till the fall or even winter 2011 to complete or at least final draft.   Namaste, may the summer season bring you many blessings. Share how you are growing and your creative process with me via email or via comments to post.


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