Book In Progress

This page chronicles the process of writing the book tentatively titled the “Zen of Unemployment” by Kala Viv Williams.
Using,) really helpful for getting visual layout of ideas-mind-mapping!  You get to create little visual color-coded connections of ideas.  It helped me-see and get clarity on outline of “Zen of Unemployment” book. Lately I’m find the title a bit limiting as I”m writing about dealing with crisis that shake up self-identity, so divorce also comes to mind. Any ideas? I’m thinking tentatively thinking Zen of Crisis or Zen of Resilience as great titles that cover a broad spectrum of readership. I’m now clear on how to offer my knowledge base of yoga, mindfulness meditation and other self-empowering self help techniques to those who are dealing with job loss, academics or others who have left jobs or been fired and any other crisis that life throws at us. One explanation Yoshia (in yellowish bubble) is a word I coined basically it’s self-shiatsu massage. It involves working on various points or energy lines on the body for health and to release blockages, it’s not that well covered elsewhere, so it’s nice to integrate it into the tool box, my book offers.
Mar. 11, 2011: I need to move forward on the book, so much is happening in the world. I end up writing for my blog and short bits. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is so heartbreaking, the toll is not really clear yet, it will be much higher I think. It puts our little goals in such perspective. See my post of: Blessing Chant for the Dead & Ourselves.

Feb. 2, 2011: As a result of working the principals of the Yoga of Manfestation, I’ve now got writing published @:

From a survey via the article over at EJ, most people preferred the title The Zen of Unemployment for the book I”m working on.

Oct 11th, 2010. This page is dedicated to a new book I’m writing tentatively titled either: Meditations on Unemployment, or The Zen of Unemployment.

Meditations on Unemployment: Soul Nourishment for the Transition

Excerpt from the Introduction:

“This little book is meant to nourish you and provide a way through a period of unemployment. The images and text can- if taken quietly with tea or silence, serve as a thread toward your new self. My thesis is that the current crisis worldwide of massive change and unemployment is meant as a spiritual call to go inside, not a call to arms but a call to heart. Your own innermost heart. What are you here to do, to give, to delight, to serve, that is still unexpressed?

In the gap between employ one has time, time and fear perhaps but time nevertheless-that is precious. Take this time, grab hold of it in between the fearful search for your old self and birth of your new. See if uncovering this delight you were born to serve up can in fact be a lifeline, pulling you forward to a better way of being than before the Crisis. The crisis of loss of self, via loss of job.

It’s important to say here that I am not minimizing the turmoil if you have children or elders to care for. It’s hard enough with just yourself. That may be the case. Having food on the table is first and foremost and my deepest wish that you do, or going forward through this book will not serve you.

The journey of this book began at a point where I was living from my retirement savings, a little stash that was dwindling, I was also able to get support for food. I had been a professor. As the child of immigrant parents with less than a high school education, that was a big deal. Finally in my 40’s to be able to buy a car, for the first time. To say my profession with pride knowing that the average person, had a respect for a “professor.” Artist, yoga teacher which I “was” before did not have the same prestige for most.

I left the job as a professor, after 6 years of soul-grinding, loss of self, autonomy and joy. It was painful staying and leaving. I had no plan but to just dive into the unknown with a deep sense of trust. While I still employed I went to a yoga retreat. There the teacher, highly intuitive- grouped me and a few women into a group she called the “rebirthers.” We were going into a “second blossoming, a renaissance” she said, as we sat in a small huddle surrounded by the larger circle of women.

I left that retreat clear on the fact that in a few weeks I must announce that I would not seek tenure…”

© copyright all rights reserved by Kala Viv Williams