In my last post I updated  all on what I’ve done in day 10 of the Yoga of Prosperity challenge.  So this is for you- here is: 

Join me in this Yoga of Prosperity Challenge by Getting Clear and Don’t Succumb to Fear.  Follow some of the suggestions in the last several posts.  You know you need to stabilize your income or earn more and follow your heart dream.  First,  cut out any expensive stuff that’s crap and doesn’t make you happy, cut it out of your spending.

Fear blocks your ability to tap into your innate potential for ideas, inspiration and even connection with others who can help.  It “freezes” us.  So that came up for me.  I’m sure you  have dealt with that too, if you are out of work or stuck in a unhappy work situation, there is so much fear. So here are some tips to work with fear, that may be debilitating or at least draining your gloss! your mojo!  Whateva’ you know what I mean:


  • Try a free metta guided meditation, it’s only 39 min and includes Q&A, and can stream or download no sales pressure it’s a non-profit site
  • talk to friends, an upbeat positive friend only
  • a therapist;  expensive you say, try a community clinic
  • or take a brisk walk in nature.  It’s  guaranteed to clear your head and heart of worry, if you can stay present for each step, the sounds, smells, temperature-the mind will come to a point of rest.  And you will be able to get clarity on the life you desire to create. 
  • Buy my guided relaxation mp3  download, it’s quite good-I’ve got a great voice and usually put folks to sleep!

Namaste, Kala

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
    Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
    Begin it now Goethe.

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