Can a Poem Make You Enlightened?

I found this poem a few weeks ago, and just love it.  It feels very fresh, like you can hear her voice.  Can a poem, push us over that edge into a free-fall called Enlightenment?  I love that this is written by a woman, one clearly gets the feelings and sensations of the intimacy with the Divine.   Not out there, not far away.  Ever Present.

I just realized the contrast of this poem to the one yesterday by Tagore, where the Divine is outside of him and with Lalla the Divine is completely alive within, as Herself.  Wow.

Do you have a poem that enriches your spiritual life?  Share it and your comments!

Playfully you hid from me

all day I looked.

Then I discovered

I was you

And the celebration

of That began.

Lalla, 14c. Hindu poet saint, trans. By Coleman Barks in “[amazon_enhanced asin=”B00DWZ312O” /]”

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