
An affirmation:

Now unconditional love and forgiveness for myslef and others, fuel abundance and joy in my life.  As the past is released, I experience a rebirth of conciousness.

This reading is about Past Lives or early childhood issues (doesn’t really matter as they would be linked in playing out) as  related to prosperity and the need for Forgiveness and Love for oneself and others and any situation.

L to R, Top to Bottom:



I read the cards left to right like a story and also the cards below explicate teh card above it.

The querant is being told that old issues that have been troubling related to money (Lakshmi) are coming up to be released, in fact teh Breakthrough card below it says a dramatic new understanding will occur.  As this breakthrough happens, the client will realize a sense of everyday, and simple things being a cause for Celebration, no speicial occasion needed-basically Enjoy Life!  That will create teh prosperity that they seek.  Mary Magdalene is about Unconditional Love, fro oneself and others and forgiveness of old hurts self-caused or other caused.  Underneath MM is the Rebirth card which shows 3 stages of development, endingiwth the Child, who is neither a rebel nor a slave to society, but is free to move and make decisons that are truly right for themselves.   It points to change and transiton, so likelu tje person will be able to achive forgiveness and love in a new healthy way.

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