What the Chakras Have to Do with Your Prosperity?

As regular readers know one of the topics of this blog is how to build prosperity and right livelihood in a non-stressful way that uses your skills, engages your heart and provides service.  My audience also may be coming out of what I call a Thunderbolt experience:  job loss, illness, major life changes and so I write from that place of going through transformation.  Those events are spiritual crisis or should be looked upon as that as they are the doorway to a new more expanded life.  I invite new readers to see my story, for my Thunderbolt experience, which I’m still evolving out of.

So this post starts a series that will explore spiritual, holistic and therefore deeper ways to heal and regenerate after difficult circumstances.

My background as a yoga teacher and over 15 years of study of Eastern disciplines such as yoga, meditation and energy healing informs this article.  An intro post to this one, on the possible negative effects of yoga practice “Is Yoga Keeping You Poor…?” If short of time then read Is Yoga Keeping You Poor Pt. 2,” first, it has links to two articles by renowned yoga/chakra experts.  They both address and agree with me  on the  traditional emphasis of yoga being about overcoming the senses and daily life by withdrawal, which can in modern context (under certain conditions,) be counterproductive.  Both give techniques to overcome this tendency-so it’s not that one has to stop doing yoga!

It’s just important to be aware that originally the technologies of yoga including meditation, pranayama, sense withdrawal etc. were designed to enhance our inner awareness and spiritual awareness basically the path of the Renunciate. So interesting that they are so popular in a society (Western) that is so far imbalanced in the opposite direction of extreme materialism and constant activity or rajas.  Yoga aims to bring us to a state of sattva or balance and counters the rajasic and tamasic (inertia, dullness) state as well.

So I love the Eastern yogic practices, they have enhanced my life, my awareness, in profound ways.  But for some of us by virtue of karma primarily, we are here to actually learn how to be more grounded, how to prosper, how to engage in community and relationships on the planet. So this series of articles will basically be using the same Eastern traditions and yoga techniques but with an emphasis on grounding. ON being here NOW, on the planet, in our daily lives fully engaged but with a deep connection to our spiritual nature which is our origin.  And a deep connection to the Earth as a living being. So it’s about balance.

Who may benefit by these practices

Those who feel spacey, ungrounded.  Have had ongoing troubles with prosperity.  I’m thinking not just someone who has lost a job and so is having money problems.  This series and my work is aimed more at those who have prosperity, health issues, security issues as an ongoing difficulty throughout their lives.
My thesis is that the lower three chakra’s tend to be imbalanced in the folks I”ve met who have money issues.

Rebuilding After Trauma-with the Chakras

Childhood stress may be the start and then going through difficulties in life the energies of the first three chakras: Muladhara, Swadhisthana and Manipura are likely to be further weakened.  Each respectively governs an important area in being here now.  Familiarize yourself with them. 

1st-Muladhara (Root Chakra) imbalance leads to:

•    feeling as if you don’t belong
•    feeling disoriented or indecisive
•    struggle with jobs and relationships,
•    feel tired a lot of the time
•    an obsession with security and survival
Often early childhood trauma can be the beginning of imbalance of the root (muladhara) chakra, where we will start our journey.
Physical issues:
the root chakra governs the immune and skeletal systems and the lower digestive tract.  So problems such as IBS, constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, arthritis, foot knee or leg problems, poor balance and lower back pain…

2nd Svadhisthana Chakra (Sacral or Sex Chakra) imbalance leads to:

•    Difficulty enjoying life’s pleasures
•    overemotional or under-emotional
•     insensitive to others and own emotional needs, u
•    denial of pleasure and fear of sexes
•    Physical issues:
•    since Svadhisthana governs liquids in body, health issues with the kidneys, bladder, reproductive and circulatory systems.  Problems such as hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, anemia,  menstrual problems, impotence and frigidity.

3rd Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus or Navel Chakra) imbalance leads to:

•    Shyness or overly assertive (aggressive)
•    Emotionally neediness, poor self-image
•    inability to act on goals/dreams
•    Physical Issues:
•    Digestive organs including liver and pancreas, muscles and body temperature issues.  Food intolerance, blood sugar problems, diabetes and eating disorders, paralysis and muscle spasm.  Adrenal glands.

For more detailed info on the chakras, chakra healing and chakra clearing check out these books, all of which i personally own:
[amazon_link id=”1844834956″ target=”_blank” ]Chakra Meditatin[/amazon_link] by Swami Saradananda, gives uses of gems, scents, postures as well as a couple of meditaitons for each chakra.  Also has self-study questions relating to each chakra.
[amazon_link id=”8186336141″ target=”_blank” ]Asana Pranayama Mudra & Bandha[/amazon_link] by Swami Styananda Saraswati, a thorough yoga manual that as it’s title says covers a broad spectrum of yoga practices.
[amazon_link id=”0931454387″ target=”_blank” ]Kundalini Yoga for the West[/amazon_link] by Swami Sivananda Radha-a rather analytical approach to the chakras with questions relating to each, and exercises to do with the senses that each chakra governs.

Does this ring a bell, share your ideas, comments!  Namaste, Kala

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